Digital Inclusion Service




Digital Inclusion Service – Bridging the health inequality gap in Haringey

elderly person being shown how to use technology


What is digital inclusion?

Digital Inclusion involves helping people access and use information and communication technologies. This service works to increase digital inclusion for patients attempting to access health services in Haringey.


Our Vision and Goals

Our main goals are:

  • Help support those who are digitally excluded
  • Educate and train patients on how to use devices and access the internet for various health solutions and more
  • Reduce health inequality gaps in Haringey

When did the service launch and where is it based?

  • The service launched in February 2024
  • Operating hours: Monday to Friday, from 9am to 5pm 
  • The service is borough wide and operates from Haringey libraries and community centres, including:
    • Hornsey Library
    • Marcus Garvey Library
    • Wood Green Library
    • Northumberland Park Resource Centre

How does the service work?

We use a variety of different sessions to help patients develop the skills and knowledge needed to access healthcare online. These include:

  • 1 on 1 Sessions – These sessions help patients build basic digital skills. Patients are also assisted in setting up ‘’Patient Access’’ and similar digital health solutions
  • Group Sessions – We work with small groups to teach how to use devices to reach health management apps like ‘’Patient Access’’
  • Patient workshops – These take place at community buildings like libraries, community centres and leisure parks. Providing patients with valuable information and education

There is also work going on behind the scenes to train local health and community staff in how to promote digital inclusion and support patients who are digitally excluded. This includes:

  • Partnership working – With practices, community centres and Haringey Council
  • Onward referrals – Referrals to services like council services, employment services, community services etc are used where appropriate
  • Staff workshops – Training both community based and GP based staff on digital exclusion
  • Single Point of Access – The service receives referrals from GP Practices, community centres, Haringey Council, social prescribers, hospitals and others

How can I refer to the service?

Please fill out the secure form to make a referral to the service

Please fill out this form to refer a maternity patient to the service