Quality Improvement Support Team




Supporting general practice to provide high-quality care to patients and improve the health of our population

The Quality Improvement Support Team (QIST) was established in 2018. Its purpose is to support general practice to provide high-quality care to patients and improve the health of our population. 

image depicting a GP

The team:

  • Identifies opportunities for QI projects by looking at general practice data 
  • Supports individual practices and primary care networks (PCNs) to improve their performance in specific areas
  • Helps practices and PCNs make sense of data and makes it easier for them to ‘do the right thing’ when it comes to patient care. 
  • Works with commissioners to identify national support offers that align with our practices’ priorities and objectives

Our team includes clinicians, a practice manager, an EMIS specialist and a data analyst; all of whom have extensive local primary care experience which we blend with QI methodology to create solutions that stick! 


Ongoing and Recent Projects


Impact and Results

“The QIST not only helped us to meet our targets, but also showed us how having good quality data meant we only needed to make small changes in order to see a big improvement in our results.” 

Case Study: Locally Commissioned Services

Using performance data effectively to prioritise resources and drive positive outcomes for patients 

In 2018/19, the Haringey GP Federation (Federated4Health) was commissioned to analyse and present performance data for Long Term Condition Locally Commissioned Services across the borough – for example management of chronic kidney disease and diabetes.

By implementing in-depth dashboards, participating practices were able to see and better understand how resources were being allocated and make targeted adjustments to improve service activity. Ten practices benefitted from further intensive support like smart templates to help with patient coding and performance reviews to further enhance achievement.

The results were clear:

  • Participating practices were able to target resources more effectively and demonstrate improved income efficiency for LTC Locally Commissioned Services.
  • More consistent reporting for commissioners and practices.
  • Record increases were seen in activity for services relating to Chronic Kidney Disease and Diabetes Case Finding.