Annual Report and Highlights




A healthier and happier Haringey through strong and innovative general practice

2022-23 was another exciting and fast paced year for the Federation. We worked to continue to deliver our vision of a healthier and happier Haringey through strong and innovative general practice. We have so enjoyed working collaboratively with our partners across Health and Social Care and the Voluntary Sector. It really feels that we have made progress as a Borough Partnership in Haringey and are working together more closely to improve the lives of our population.

I am also delighted that we were able to sustain our previous growth whilst still retaining a tight focus on our aims and the things we do well. I am endlessly proud of what all our teams achieve.

This annual report demonstrates some of the achievements but let me also recognise our practice teams working ceaselessly at Charlton House and the 157 Practice to deliver great care in sometimes challenging circumstances. I was so proud to see that we helped achieve for the first time in Haringey the SMI Physical Health Check Annual Target of 60% and the clinical pharmacy team enabled every PCN to reach the target for anti-coagulation review. I am also so impressed by the development of the NCL and Haringey Training Hub that have received significant recognition in the wider system for their performance.

At the end of our report, you will see a list of some of the awards and recognition that different teams received. A particular highlight for me was when Haringey GP Federation was highly commended in the HSJ Primary Care and Community Provider of the Year which felt like a moment to be thankful for what we have been able to do together and how far we have come.

This year we also reviewed and updated our organisational values including work to engage our people on what those values should be. These values signal that we are a people-centred and values-driven organisation which places our people, practices and patients at the front and centre of our vision of a happy, healthy, inclusive Haringey.

The next year is unlikely to be easy. Squeezed budgets and a challenging health system mean that more than ever we are going to need to work together and support each other. My aim is that Haringey GP Federation can continue to support our residents, our colleagues across all organisations, particularly our practices and embrace the challenges and opportunities ahead.

Previous Highlights of the Annual reports:

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