Locality Clinical Lead




Closing date: Fri 24th February

We are looking for applicants to support Primary Care Leadership at a Locality Level in Haringey (East, Central or West Locality). You will represent the interests of member practices and PCNs within the locality in discussions with health and care partners as part of the Haringey Borough Partnership.

The role is available for two sessions per week for 12 months and you should be a registered clinicians working at least three sessions per week in a Haringey practice to apply.

To apply:

For an informal chat about the role or to apply please contact Michael Fox, Chief Operating Officer on mfox@nhs.net or Dr Sheena Patel, Medical Director on sheena.patel6@nhs.net with a CV and covering email/letter.

Please see the Job Description for more detail on the role.

Download a PDF version

If you require this in an accessible format please contact us.


Job Description & Person Specification

Job Title  Locality Clinical Lead (Primary Care)
Reporting to PCN CDs within that locality & GP Fed Medical Director 
Accountable to Member practices and PCNs within East / Central / West Locality
Hours of work 2 sessions per week (8 hours 20 mins) 
Length of term 12 months, with view to extension depending on success of role
Remuneration £300 per session (inclusive on-costs)

Background and context

This is an exciting opportunity to help drive the design of services at a local level. You will work alongside a Managerial Lead within your locality and be further supported by an ‘engine room’ of borough support from the GP  Federation and wider ICP including project planning, analytics and pathway design.

Haringey GP Federation’s vision is to create a healthier and happier population through strong and innovative General Practice. Through the recent NHS reconfiguration into Integrated Care Systems and Borough Partnerships,  the Federation has identified the ongoing value that Primary Care Clinical Leadership can play in designing services to meet local population need. We have identified a need to ensure this exists at all levels of new ICS structures, with a particular gap at the Locality / Neighbourhood level, hence the creation of this role.

Haringey Borough Partnership (HBP) is a collaboration between the main providers of health and care services for people in Haringey including all NHS organisations (ICB, NHS trusts, primary care), Haringey Council, and  voluntary and community sector organisations. The aim is to improve the health and wellbeing of Haringey residents through more integrated ways of working and service delivery across health and care services.

Haringey resident voice sits at the centre. The partnership has a shared set of priorities of actions, decision-making and view of our combined resource in order that is used to best effect to improve health and wellbeing and  deliver the outcomes set out in the Health and Wellbeing Strategy.

Appendix A sets out the governance structure of HBP alongside the aims of developing localities and the Localities geography that divides Haringey into East / Central / West (also referred to as Neighbourhoods in ICS  terminology).


1. Key Responsibilities

1.1 Represent constituent GP Practice and PCN interests in the Locality agenda and the emergence of Integrated Neighbourhood Teams as articulated in the Fuller Report

1.2. Represent GP Provider Alliance & GP Federation interests in the Haringey Borough Partnership

1.3. Act as part of emerging Locality Leadership team structures, bringing together leadership from across Health & Care partners and driving delivery through agreed actions

1.4. Undertake a leadership role in identifying priority areas to address health inequalities at a locality level, in collaboration with health and care partners, ensuring alignment with NCL Pop Health Strategy and Borough Health Outcomes

1.5. Develop operational engagement with community leaders and partner organisations within the Locality

1.6. Facilitate the establishment of any new MDTs identified against priority areas, ensuring the clinical governance and pathways of any new proposed interventions


2. System and Operational Leadership

2.1 Contribute to the development, embedding and delivery of the strategic and operational aims and objectives of the Haringey Borough Partnership

2.2. Contribute to discussions about Haringey and devolved service delivery, considering new ways of working and opportunities to deliver high quality care differently

2.3. Willing to volunteer for participation in wider meetings on behalf of the HBP (and the Federation) providing a Haringey GP view

2.4. Suggest, develop and monitor ideas and projects for service redesign, with consideration to future pathways and the scale at which they are best delivered

2.5. Attend meetings and development sessions, being properly prepared having read and digested all papers. These include:

  • Locality Meetings (monthly)
  • Borough Partnership Meetings (monthly) – one of Grow/Live/Age Well or an enabling task and finish group
  • PCN Board meetings (quarterly or as required by each PCN) to engage PCNs and member practices on the borough agenda
  • Haringey One Voice Meeting (quarterly) to bring together Primary Care Voice across Haringey
  • Other working groups / task and finish groups as required

3.1 Local Leadership and Representation

3.1. Actively engage with local General Practice including practices, PCNs, LMC, GP Provider Alliance and Federation to ensure that they understand and are engaged with the Haringey Borough Partnership, its aims, goals, and  work

3.2. Actively engage in Locality Leadership team structures, supporting operational delivery of projects

3.3. Gather views of membership on areas of representation and potential programs of work to effectively represent your locality

3.4. Articulate the views of and advocate for the membership so that their voice can appropriately influence and support the wider HBP

3.5. Actively engage with local system partners e.g., via local borough partnership and other relevant forums


4. Multi-disciplinary teams & population health management

4.1. Develop and chair locality multi-disciplinary team (MDT) meetings

4.2. Ensure a data led approach to improve health outcomes for any interventions, utilising Population Health Management platforms (HealtheIntent)

4.3. Oversee development of clinical pathways

4.4. Ensure appropriate clinical governance and safety of any new interventions, liaising with third parties as needed

4.5. Employ Quality Improvement methodologies and tools (e.g. Plan, Do, Study, Act cycles) to ensure continuous evaluation and improvement


Person Specification - Essential Attributes




Education and Qualifications

  • Holds a current post in local borough general practice with at least 4 clinical sessions per  week
  • In good standing with your professional body
  • A commitment to ongoing professional development
  • Their practice has an overall CQC rating of Good (unless brought in for turnaround)
  • Is or was GP Partner of 2 years or more OR has worked in a practice with leadership  responsibilities (if not a GP)
  • A Clinical Director or on a PCN Board


  • Understands the development of the ICS and the policies underpinning that development
  • Understands other key NHS policy frameworks and organisations
  • Understanding the local population’s health and social care priorities
  • First-hand knowledge of the NCL Provider and Commissioning landscape and priorities
  • Understands conflicts of interest and how to manage them
  • Understand assessments for quality and costeffectiveness
  • Understands how the finances of General Practice operate
  • Understand of governance processes.
  • Experience of at scale service delivery


  • At least 3 years post-qualification • Demonstrable leadership experience including outside of  your own practice in the local borough and beyond
  • Expert in advocating for General Practice with a range of stakeholders
  • Experience of operating successfully in a complex political environment
  • Significant Board/CD level experience at borough and NCL level.
  • Experience working with a range of stakeholders including Senior Trust Executives

Skills, Abilities and Personal Qualities

  • Must be a fit and proper person to act as a leader and model the Nolan Principles of Public Life
  • Able to make difficult decisions
  • Able to think strategically and plan ahead, to develop a clear vision and enthuse others, balancing needs and constraints of PCN and locality
  • Able to work positively as a system partner
  • Able to make an immediate impact in the wider system
  • A high level of ability to gain support from members, stakeholders and key partners; influencing  them and using political acumen
  • The ability to think clearly and creatively, make sense of complexity and clarify it
  • Ability to communicate passionately, effectively, and persuasively across a diverse set of  stakeholders
  • A high-level commitment to patient focus and the delivery of high quality, safe services in an  innovative way
  • Maintains a focus on service quality, integration and innovation
  • Desire to change and innovate
  • Committed to ensuring the sustainability of General Practice
  • Team player
  • Commitment to working beyond their own practice / PCN
  • Presentation skills
  • Able to use and interpret population health data

This job description is not exhaustive